

For a basic status bar, invoke the Counter class directly.

import time
import enlighten

pbar = enlighten.Counter(total=100, desc='Basic', unit='ticks')
for num in range(100):
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Simulate work


To maintain multiple progress bars simultaneously or write to the console, a manager is required.

Advanced output will only work when the output stream, sys.stdout by default, is attached to a TTY. get_manager() can be used to get a manager instance. It will return a disabled Manager instance if the stream is not attached to a TTY and an enabled instance if it is.

import time
import enlighten

manager = enlighten.get_manager()
ticks = manager.counter(total=100, desc='Ticks', unit='ticks')
tocks = manager.counter(total=20, desc='Tocks', unit='tocks')

for num in range(100):
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Simulate work
    if not num % 5:



The Counter class has two output formats, progress bar and counter.

The progress bar format is used when a total is not None and the count is less than the total. If neither of these conditions are met, the counter format is used:

import time
import enlighten

counter = enlighten.Counter(desc='Basic', unit='ticks')
for num in range(100):
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Simulate work

Status Bars

Status bars are bars that work similarly to progress similarly to progress bars and counters, but present relatively static information. Status bars are created with Manager.status_bar.

import enlighten
import time

manager = enlighten.get_manager()
status_bar = manager.status_bar('Static Message',
status_bar.update('Updated static message')

Status bars can also use formatting with dynamic variables.

import enlighten
import time

manager = enlighten.get_manager()
status_format = '{program}{fill}Stage: {stage}{fill} Status {status}'
status_bar = manager.status_bar(status_format=status_format,
status_bar.update(stage='Initializing', status='OKAY')

Status bars, like other bars can be pinned. To pin a status bar to the top of all other bars, initialize it before any other bars. To pin a bar to the bottom of the screen, use position=1 when initializing.


Status bars and the bar component of a progress bar can be colored by setting the color keyword argument. See Series Color for more information about valid colors.

import time
import enlighten

counter = enlighten.Counter(total=100, desc='Colorized', unit='ticks', color='red')
for num in range(100):
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Simulate work

Additionally, any part of the progress bar can be colored using counter formatting and the color capabilities of the underlying Blessed Terminal.

import enlighten

manager = enlighten.get_manager()

# Standard bar format
std_bar_format = u'{desc}{desc_pad}{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| ' + \
                 u'{count:{len_total}d}/{total:d} ' + \
                 u'[{elapsed}<{eta}, {rate:.2f}{unit_pad}{unit}/s]'

# Red text
bar_format = manager.term.red(std_bar_format)

# Red on white background
bar_format = manager.term.red_on_white(std_bar_format)

# X11 colors
bar_format = manager.term.peru_on_seagreen(std_bar_format)

# RBG text
bar_format = manager.term.color_rgb(2, 5, 128)(std_bar_format)

# RBG background
bar_format = manager.term.on_color_rgb(255, 190, 195)(std_bar_format)

# RGB text and background
bar_format = manager.term.on_color_rgb(255, 190, 195)(std_bar_format)
bar_format = manager.term.color_rgb(2, 5, 128)(bar_format)

# Apply color to select parts
bar_format = manager.term.red(u'{desc}') + u'{desc_pad}' + \
             manager.term.blue(u'{percentage:3.0f}%') + u'|{bar}|'

# Apply to counter
ticks = manager.counter(total=100, desc='Ticks', unit='ticks', bar_format=bar_format)

If the color option is applied to a Counter, it will override any foreground color applied.


The bar component of a progress bar can be multicolored to track multiple categories in a single progress bar.

The colors are drawn from right to left in the order they were added.

By default, when multicolored progress bars are used, additional fields are available for bar_format:

  • count_n (int) - Current value of count
  • count_0(int) - Remaining count after deducting counts for all subcounters
  • percentage_n (float) - Percentage complete
  • percentage_0(float) - Remaining percentage after deducting percentages for all subcounters

When add_subcounter() is called with all_fields set to True, the subcounter will have the additional fields:

  • eta_n (str) - Estimated time to completion
  • rate_n (float) - Average increments per second since parent was created

More information about bar_format can be found in the Format section of the API.

One use case for multicolored progress bars is recording the status of a series of tests. In this example, Failures are red, errors are white, and successes are green. The count of each is listed in the progress bar.

import random
import time
import enlighten

bar_format = u'{desc}{desc_pad}{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| ' + \
            u'S:{count_0:{len_total}d} ' + \
            u'F:{count_2:{len_total}d} ' + \
            u'E:{count_1:{len_total}d} ' + \
            u'[{elapsed}<{eta}, {rate:.2f}{unit_pad}{unit}/s]'

success = enlighten.Counter(total=100, desc='Testing', unit='tests',
                            color='green', bar_format=bar_format)
errors = success.add_subcounter('white')
failures = success.add_subcounter('red')

while success.count < 100:
    time.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.3))  # Random processing time
    result = random.randint(0, 10)

    if result == 7:
    if result in (5, 6):

A more complicated example is recording process start-up. In this case, all items will start red, transition to yellow, and eventually all will be green. The count, percentage, rate, and eta fields are all derived from the second subcounter added.

import random
import time
import enlighten

services = 100
bar_format = u'{desc}{desc_pad}{percentage_2:3.0f}%|{bar}|' + \
            u' {count_2:{len_total}d}/{total:d} ' + \
            u'[{elapsed}<{eta_2}, {rate_2:.2f}{unit_pad}{unit}/s]'

initializing = enlighten.Counter(total=services, desc='Starting', unit='services',
                                color='red', bar_format=bar_format)
starting = initializing.add_subcounter('yellow')
started = initializing.add_subcounter('green', all_fields=True)

while started.count < services:
    remaining = services - initializing.count
    if remaining:
        num = random.randint(0, min(4, remaining))

    ready = initializing.count - initializing.subcount
    if ready:
        num = random.randint(0, min(3, ready))
        starting.update_from(initializing, num)

    if starting.count:
        num = random.randint(0, min(2, starting.count))
        started.update_from(starting, num)

    time.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.5))  # Random processing time

Additional Examples


Enlighten is highly configurable. For information on modifying the output, see the Series and Format sections of the Counter documentation.